Mike Miller
World War one was a war unlike any other. There were a lot of firsts and a lot of lasts. World War One, was the first war to be fought on three continents, using things such as chlorine, mustard gas, and flame throwers. On the other hand, there were a lot of lasts for the soldiers. A total of 116,516 men who died fighting for our freedom.
When your average American thinks of war and soldiers dying, he or she thinks of those soldiers dying in barrle. When a soldier dies, whether in battle of not, it is a great honor. In World War One, people died from things such as battle, disease, accidents and many other ways.
During World War I, the Spanish Influenza cost many people their lives. Spanish Influenza nearly doubled the amount of deaths. In 1918, there was a pandemic of Spanish Influenza, killing more people that the war itself. An estimated 675,000 people died from the flue during this time.
Private Mike Miller, son of Mr and Mrs R. Miller died at Camp Dode, Iowa on October 9th, 1918. At 23 years of age, Spanish Influenza was the cause of his death. Mike had enlisted in the signal corps the June before, and had been stationed at Camp McArthur in Waco, Texas.
World War I was a tragedy for many people. Thousands lost their lives, leaving many thousands without their loved ones. We need to honor those who rendered the supreme sacrifice to their country. Mike Miller was a great man who did a very honorable thing, dying to save the freedom of those he loved and for future generations.
Stephanie Steuck, Student
East Junior High, Wisconsin Rapids